Why my cake is so "結" & 起粒 after mixing all the ingredient so that my cake is so ugly? [版主回覆01/23/2011 16:56:00]芝士糊= 暖; cream = 凍 兩者溫差大所以起粒 下次先將少量cream (打起的) 拌乒cheese 糊中撈一撈,拉近番個溫度,ok後才將所有材料拌勻
Thanks for your reply! I made the cake again. I think it's the matter of 魚膠粉 as I finally put the 魚膠粉溶液 into the mixture (cheese + cream), it then 起粒 even I have put some of the mixture into the 魚膠粉溶液 first (just roughly as I'm afraid it will solidate) then add back to the mixture. Why?? Do I need to mix the 魚膠粉溶液 with some of the cheese cream mixture very well first? Thanks again! [版主回覆01/24/2011 21:22:00]not becos of mixing well or not, it's becos the 魚膠粉溶液 is hot, the 溫差is big difference so the texture is not well. wait some mins until魚膠粉溶液 is getting a bit cool, then mix with cream, then pour 1 table spoon of cream and mix slowly --> target to make it into less 溫差, mix it well and pour the whole mixture into the cream --> done!
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[版主回覆08/17/2009 22:19:00]thanks!!
做你朋友同屋企人真係好~ 成日都有好野食~ 生日仲有Oreo 蛋糕食~ 我都想有人整比我食呀!!!~
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/24/2009 22:07:00]我生日我d朋友都有整俾我食呢!!所以我都好幸福 :)
請問用脆脆餅底代替ok ma?
回覆刪除同埋, 脆脆餅底係咪一定要即日食?
[版主回覆10/15/2009 22:54:00]可以!!
一兩日內啦! 好易會淋架!!
Why my cake is so "結" & 起粒 after mixing all the ingredient so that my cake is so ugly?
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/23/2011 16:56:00]芝士糊= 暖; cream = 凍
下次先將少量cream (打起的) 拌乒cheese 糊中撈一撈,拉近番個溫度,ok後才將所有材料拌勻
Thanks for your reply!
回覆刪除I made the cake again. I think it's the matter of 魚膠粉 as I finally put the 魚膠粉溶液 into the mixture (cheese + cream), it then 起粒 even I have put some of the mixture into the 魚膠粉溶液 first (just roughly as I'm afraid it will solidate) then add back to the mixture. Why?? Do I need to mix the 魚膠粉溶液 with some of the cheese cream mixture very well first? Thanks again!
[版主回覆01/24/2011 21:22:00]not becos of mixing well or not, it's becos the 魚膠粉溶液 is hot, the 溫差is big difference so the texture is not well.
wait some mins until魚膠粉溶液 is getting a bit cool, then mix with cream, then pour 1 table spoon of cream and mix slowly --> target to make it into less 溫差, mix it well and pour the whole mixture into the cream --> done!