平安夜當日探訪了為於Launceston 的Hillwood Berry Farm,唔知道今日有d咩莓可以摘呢?!
Reception 旁就是小小的cafe,望著農田歎cake,感覺好寫意。
要落田喇! 揀邊隻莓先好呢?
第一站 - Rasberries~ Wonderfully delicious and rich red coloured raspberries are among the most popular berries grown all over the world. They are rich source of many health promoting plant-derived nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that are essential for optimum health. Delicious raspberries are low in calories and saturated fats but are rich source of dietary fiber and anti-oxidants.
第二站 - Strawberries ~ Juicy, sweet, and plump, strawberries are loaded with huge amount of vitamins. Strawberries are a rich source of dietary fiber, high in Potassium and produce a certain amount of Folate that has been shown in studies to help delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Eight Strawberries hold more Vitamin C than an Orange. You can actually get a full daily value of Vitamin C from just 8 Strawberries
戰利品 ~ 有士多啤梨醋和jam,大蚊把人家店裡的jam全掃光了,只好非常不好意思地告訴店員香港人好喜歡shopping哈哈!
塔斯曼尼亞之旅預告: 薰衣草園 + 酒莊 - 明天請早!
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