2008年7月30日 星期三


喺吉之島買咗包通粉,幼長身幾靚咁! 價錢大約10蚊~咁所以又買黎玩吓啦!


又係用咖喱磚,只係用咗一舊磚 (一盒有6舊)去煮,因為係lunch box,味道唔可以太濃烈! 淡淡地有少少味道就可以喇!

之前買過d pizza 芝士好快就發毛,而家唔敢再幫襯 (好貴呀!!!),所以都少咗焗飯/意粉咁呢! 希望d芝士有特價就好喇!!!


食譜來自: 大蚊

8 則留言:

  1. 呢個通粉係咪空心架? 個樣好得意耶....
    [版主回覆07/30/2008 21:34:00]係呀~咁瘦都仲係空心~幾好味~~~

  2. 咖哩磚其實係點既樣黎架???
    [版主回覆07/30/2008 21:34:00]有相: 日式咖喱豬扒飯

  3. 未見過咁長的通粉
    [版主回覆07/30/2008 21:30:00]我就係見佢咁cute先買架!!!

  4. 好吸引喎,無咖哩磚,改用普通咖哩粉,可以嗎?
    [版主回覆07/31/2008 22:51:00]普通咖哩粉 = 中式嗰d?

  5. 我開頭一睇, 以為係fish呀, 哈哈
    [版主回覆07/31/2008 22:50:00]係有魚柳喺上面架!

  6. hi! if the pizza cheese 好快就發毛, you can keep it in the freezer. Can last much longer ga!
    [版主回覆06/16/2009 20:53:00]i just bought a pack of 500g cheese!!! i will try this! Many thanks!!!

  7. i usually buy the shredded cheese so i won't have to worry about the cutting or shredding after taking it out from the freezer. 
    [版主回覆06/17/2009 21:48:00]last time....my cream cheese....turn bad when only 1/3 has been used. :(
    wanna cry!!!

  8. Yea cream cheese doesn't last long and I don't think we can keep it in the freezer.I only keep my cheddar cheese or pizza cheese in the freezer and it can last for months! Really convenient and u won't be wasting so much money on spoilt food. i'll just get the smallest size for cream cheese unless i'm using it for cooking. I feel so bad everything i throw away food that i've hardly touched. Sometimes we just forget what we have in the fridge right? 
    [版主回覆06/18/2009 20:53:00]everytime i intend to buy a smaller piece of cream cheese, however, when i am standing in front of the rack, the bigger size cream cheese (1KG )always tempt me a lot.....it's so much cheaper then the 250g cream cheese @@
    i always check the expiry date of the freezer, since we only have 2 people in home, it's difficult to buy the "quantum pack" in the supermarket! i hate this!!
